2,000 Flybuys points on Mastercard gift cards at Coles

Thanks to one of our readers for letting us know about this promotion early.

Earn 2,000 bonus Flybuys points on $100 and $250 Coles Mastercard gift cards in-store at Coles. These prepaid Mastercard gift cards can be used almost anywhere, including on payments to the ATO.

If you purchased the maximum of five $100 Mastercards, you would earn 10,525 Flybuys points for just $25 in purchase fees. That’s over $50 worth of Flybuys Dollars or over 5,000 Velocity points.

Here are the details:

  • Runs from Wed 15 Jan to Tue 21 Jan 2025
  • Only available in-store at Coles
  • Limit of five gift cards per Flybuys account
  • $5 fee on $100 card, $7 fee on $250 card
  • This offer is open to everyone and does not require activation

How it works

Scan your Flybuys card at the checkout when purchasing $100 or $250 Coles Mastercard gift cards in-store at Coles between 15 Jan and 21 Jan 2025 and you’ll earn 2,000 bonus points on each of them, up to a maximum of five.

Unlike Woolworths, Coles do not give you any indication that you’ve earned the points so you’ll just have to wait a day or two for them to appear in your account, usually at around 5pm. Sometimes the standard points arrive days before the bonus points so don’t worry if you don’t receive them all at once.

You’ll earn the same fixed bonus of 2,000 points whether you buy a $100 or $250 card so most people tend to just buy the $100 cards as you spend less and save $2 on the purchase fee ($5 versus $7). However, these offers are very popular so you may struggle to find any of the purple $100 Mastercards in stock.

Interestingly, you receive 1x Flybuys point per dollar spent on the gift cards in addition to the 2,000 bonus points so a $100 Mastercard will actually earn you 2,105 Flybuys points. Buying five will see your account credited with 10,525 points in total.

Note that the purchase limit for this promotion is just five gift cards for the whole week. It’s not a “per day” limit like you sometimes see with other bonus points promotions. If you need more than five, use multiple Flybuys accounts.

Lastly, it’s generally a good idea to check your Mastercard gift cards for signs of tampering as soon as you purchase them. These scams are quite rare but to be safe I’d recommend checking before you leave the store. You can find more information about gift card tampering scams here.

Points calculator

You’ll also earn 1x Flybuys point per dollar spent on your Mastercard cards.

More information

If you’re new to these promotions, check out our step-by-step guide on how to earn points by buying gift cards.

If you want to know how often certain gift cards are included in these offers, see our Gift Card Promotion History tool.

To be kept informed about future promotions, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Threads or subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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46 Responses

    1. It’s five gift cards per Flybuys account. If you have family members with their own Flybuys accounts then they can each buy five gift cards but if they’re simply cardholders on your Flybuys account then your limit applies to them as well.


      1. I believe just the one, though whether that’s actually enforced I’m not entirely sure.


    1. definitely can – but can be hit and miss with automated payments via paypal. manual payments where you select the card seem to work well


    1. They do but you won’t earn any points there because this promotion is just for Coles supermarkets.


    1. Yes but they’re not well suited to all types of online purchases. This is because most online merchants don’t allow you to split payments across multiple credit/debit cards so if you’re buying something that totals $115 but you only have a $100 Mastercard gift card then you may not be able to pay. There are sometimes workarounds such as PayPal split payments or using your gift card to buy one of the retailer’s own gift cards and then using that plus another payment method to make your purchase, however, these options aren’t always available. These gift cards are really best suited to in-store purchases where split payments are easy and online payments where you can specify the amount of each transaction (e.g. paying off an ATO bill).


  1. So with the $5 fee ($25 if you buy 5 cards) you’re really only earning $27.63 Flybuys dollars? Unless I’m missing something?


    1. Yes, though there are sometimes ways to save even more such as paying with discounted supermarket Visa gift cards that you get through certain health funds or with a cashback card (e.g. HSBC Everyday Global).


    1. Not currently, no. Officially, these gift cards don’t support any mobile wallets but for several months now they’ve been working with Google Pay, just not Apple Pay or Samsung Pay.


  2. My dumbass went and brought the gift cards today! Do you think its worth a call to flybuys and try to get the point credited anyways?


    1. You can try but I don’t like your chances. With Everyday Rewards you’d have very good odds but not with Flybuys.


  3. Very low stock of the $100 cards this morning. I did find some but they were hidden inside the gift card cupboard. Plenty of $250 variants available. Feels like Coles has not restocked since the Boxing Day promo.


  4. Went to 3 Coles Supermarkets this morning – not one of them had the $100 cards, and most were quite short on the $250 already. This was all before 8am! It’s beginning to follow Woolies’ trend of never having any stock…


    1. I did the same, visited 3 local Coles, all before 8:30am and none of the stores had stock. Spoke to the store person – she said the promos are on but suppliers aren’t sending the cards in time.


  5. My local Coles (CBD of a capital city) had plenty of both $100 and $250 today around 9 am.

    Got myself five of the $100, no issues.


  6. I saw a comment above saying you can use these to then purchase the woolies Apple gift cards. Have many ppl done this, don’t want to go and spend $2000 on these over a few Flybuys accounts and then be stuck with them!


    1. It’s been working for a very long time but if you’re unsure you can always just try it with a few gift cards at a time. That way you’re not stuck with the whole lot if it suddenly stopped working.


    1. Try using a different device or browser. If the website still doesn’t work, call the number on the back of the card and use the automated phone balance check system.


    2. In Google Chrome:
 Go > File > New Incognito Window > visit the MyBalanceNow website. This always works for me.


  7. Had to go to 4 stores to find the $100 ones. Plenty of $250’s though. The last store I visited they had none on display but the person I spoke to was kind enough to open the back of the shelf where they were. At the checkout and when getting someone to find the cards for me, they would always say there is a limit of 5 card purchases per person regardless or promotions, even after explaining that I am buying them with my flybuys and my wife’s.


  8. Hi, I tried to pay my ATO tax with gift card but its not taking my gift card. Any suggestion because I already bought 10 of them.


    1. I haven’t heard anyone else report any issues with ATO payments. Are you paying via the MyGov website or Government EasyPay? Try both if you haven’t already.


      1. The ATO treats these as debit cards. The name you enter doesn’t matter so you put down anything you like.


  9. Holy moly these are popular. I live in a low socioeconomic high crime area of sydney and have never has any issues with any gift cards but went to get these today for a birthday gift and it’s like the second day of the promotion, but Coles was cleaned out of both the 100 and the 250s.


  10. Has anyone else had trouble using these at Woolworths? I have no issues paying with these at Coles and any other retailer really, but at Woolworths I get the Declined Contact Bank error. I’ve tried both options of not using a PIN (and just pressing enter) and then on another occasion with a different card entering a PIN.


    1. I used one at the start of the month at Woolies and had no issue, the self checkout just accepted it. Have you tried registering your card on their site and setting a pin? Maybe that might work?


  11. Can someone please step me through how to ACTUALLY use these cards? I understand the best use is to pay off utilities but mine don’t let me do split payments online, so I come unstuck with the $100 cards. I even tried to pay at the PO and when I said I needed to do split payments the woman told me I can’t use giftcards to pay bills. So how do people actually use these?? Do I load into my PayPal, is that the workaround? But then I still have the $100 limit on the card. I’m very confused by this!!


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