Bonus 20% Velocity points when you auto transfer points from participating partners

Receive 20% extra Velocity points on all automatic points transfers from selected partners between 1 Feb and 30 Apr 2025 when you turn on Auto Transfer and remain opted in for the entire promotion period.

Participating partners are:

  • ANZ Rewards
  • ANZ Business Rewards
  • NAB
  • Bank of Melbourne
  • BankSA
  • St.George

Unfortunately, it seems that you can’t just disable and then re-enable Auto Transfer to qualify for this offer; you must have been opted out prior to the promotion beginning on 12:00 AEDT 1 Feb 2025.

Note that if you receive the first year bonus points on either the ANZ Rewards Platinum or NAB Rewards Platinum cards during the promotion period then you won’t be eligible for the 20% bonus.

As far as transfer bonuses go, 20% is certainly compelling but the very limited eligibility criteria for this offer means that’s it’s unlikely to be of use to most people.

Terms and conditions

Velocity members will receive 20% bonus Velocity Points when they opt in to Auto-Transfer on their eligible credit card with their Participating Partner between 12:00am AEST 1 February 2025 and 11:59pm AEST 30 April 2025 (“Promotion Period”) and automatically transfer points from their Participating Partner to Velocity into Velocity Points between 12:00am AEST 1 February 2024 and 11:59pm AEST 30 April 2025 (“Promotion Period”). Minimum points transfer required, transferred in one transaction. Members must remain opted into Auto Transfer up to the end of the Promotion Period to be eligible to receive the 20% bonus Velocity Points. “Participating Partners” are: ANZ Rewards, ANZ Business Rewards, NAB Rewards, St.George Amplify Rewards, BankSA Amplify Rewards and Bank of Melbourne Amplify Rewards. A Velocity Member can transfer multiple times during the Promotion Period.​

For full details on points transfers, including eligibility criteria, minimum points transfer requirements, and applicable conversion rates, see the Participating Credit Card Rewards Partner Terms and Conditions. The earning and redemption of Participating Partner points is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Participating Partner reward program. Once the Participating Partner points have been redeemed for Velocity Points, they are governed by the Velocity membership Terms and Conditions and the redemption cannot be reversed. Transferred Velocity Points will be available in your Velocity account subject to the applicable Participating Partner points transfer timeframes. Bonus Velocity Points are calculated on the accumulated total number of base Velocity Points transferred to the Velocity account in accordance with the offer and which arrive in the Member’s account in the Promotion Period. Bonus Points will be allocated to the Member’s Velocity account by 31 May 2025. Bonus Points will be rounded to the nearest whole Point. For full offer Terms and Conditions, including Participating Partners’ Terms and Conditions, visit the Velocity website. Velocity membership and Points earn and redemption are subject to the Velocity membership Terms and Conditions, as amended from time to time.​

See here for the full terms and conditions.

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5 Responses

  1. Dammnn. I’ve been keeping all my points in Virgin Money waiting for a bonus like this but it’s not included 🙁


    1. Per the offer FAQ:

      Am I eligible for this offer if I had auto-redemption or auto-sweep turned on before this offer started?

      Members must have been opted out of auto-redemption or auto-sweep at the start of the Promotion Period (12:00am AEST on 1 Feburary 2025) to be eligible for this offer.


  2. My auto-transfer with St George is currently off, and was turned off at the start of the promotion (1 Feb), but I have had it turned on at other times in the past (like a year ago). Would I be eligible if I turn it back on now?


    1. I can’t see anything in the terms and conditions about it needing to be your first ever Auto Transfer so I don’t see why you wouldn’t be eligible.


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